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About Sarah Elizabeth,
Reiki Master Teacher


Sarah is passionate about sharing Reiki with all people and animals to assist them in feeling the peace, clarity, insight, comfort, and joy that Reiki brings through its healing energies. Each of us has the ability to move our own energy and direct the course of our lives and Reiki is a tool to help us connect to these skills. Sarah is honored to share Reiki with you and support you exactly where you are, right now. 

Sarah can often be found in nature, on a hike, standing, or sitting by the water. She loves connecting with the healing energies of the earth. She enjoys sharing animal Reiki out in nature and observing which animals come near for the energy! 

Sarah Elizabeth is a Holy Fire® III/World Peace Karuna Reiki® Master and an ICRT Animal Reiki Master. She has studied with William Rand for Holy Fire®III/World Peace Certification. 

Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand.

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